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  Celine Marie Claudette Dion
Date of Birth: 30th March 1968
Place of Birth: Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada
Marital Status: Married to Rene Angelil
Star Sign: Aries
Eye Colour: Hazelnut
Height: 1.71m
Prefered colors: Black, white and red
Qualities: organisation,determination,and Self-discipline
Sports and Leisure: Golf, swimming and tennis

  Rene Angelil
Date of birth: 16 January 1942
Marital status: Married to CelineDion
Color of his eyes: Dark brown
Height: 1,82m (6 feet)
Prefered colors: Black, white and red
Qualities: Organization and determination
Sports and leisures: Golf, reading and movies

  Rene~Charles Angelil
Born: 25th January 2001
Place of Birth: Palm Beach,Florida
Birth Weight: 6lb 8oz
Birth Length: 20ins