*~~ The Story Behind My Site ~~*
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*~ The Story Behind My Site ~*
My first Album that i bought of Celine Dion's was THE COLOUR OF MY LOVE. I'd heard a few records played on the radio of Celine's and her voice was so inviting that i decided to look in our local music shop to see if they stocked any of them.When i looked on the shelf "The colour of my love" caught my eye.I was only able to buy it on a cassette' i dont think CD's were around then.lol.I took it home and played it over and over again whilst doing the household chores,taking a bath,out in the garden in the summer,until the inevitable happened.....It wore out!
The next day off i went again down to the music store and bought another copy.(AGAIN A CASSETTE)This one lasted a while longer.I became a regular at the music store asking about new releases.
Soon after, CD's came in WOW i was able to buy "The Colour Of My Love" on CD.Thats when my collection started, and my love for Celine Dion's music grew and grew.
In the late winter of 1998 my sister-in-law came and said that she had seen a poster in a shop window advertising a trip to LONDON and that it was the LETS TALK ABOUT LOVE Celine Dion concert,would i like to go with her?OMG,I couldnt believe my ears,Of course i wanted to go! So the next day she went down and asked for details and bought 2 tickets for the concert.(one for me and one for her)The date was wrote on the calendar in my dining room and i crossed out each day excitedly (i was like a child waiting for Christmas)
My case was packed weeks before the date(you see,we were going to London the day of the concert and staying over in a hotel on the night)
Eventually,at long last the day arrived and i took a taxi to meet my sister-in-law at 8 am in the town.We boarded the bus along with lots more fans from around the north-east.I took along my personel cassette and my tape and listened to celine on the way there and we sang celine songs too.
We arrived in London and went into the hotel,where we had to quickly change into our clothes we were wearing for the concert,i took along my camera,wanting to captivate every moment of the concert.We took the bus to WEMBLEY STADIUM and entered the stadium excitedly we bought wine to drink and sat down waiting eagerly.
All of a sudden everyone jumped up as the music started to play,and on came CELINE.She was truely amazing her voice echoed around the stadium and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the concert.I clicked away merrily with the camera,knowing that this was an experience i wanted to remember for ever grabbing pictures of Celines every movement until..............my camera jammed.The film had somehow got stuck and i had left the rest of the films in my hotel room.Many swear words were uttered,i was devistated.
The concert came to an end and it was time to return to our hotel but before we left we decided to go and buy souveniers,only to find out when we got to the stalls that they had all sold out.My sister-in-law had taken a few pictures of celine so she said she would get 2 copies of them on return home.
We returned to the hotel on a high, singing and discussing the concert all night and the following day when we returned home we couldnt stop talking about Celine Dion,her voice, what she wore the atmosphire of the audience,it had been the experience of a lifetime and it will always be a memory i will never ever forget.

When i bought my PC in October 1999 and got myself onto the internet the first thing i looked for was information on Celine.I was more than excited when i found the chatroom on CELINEONLINE i entered a nickname and loaded the chat page up,it was like living through the concert day again.So many people sharing the same passion as me "CELINE DION" and i can tell you now,i have met some really fantastic people since that day,from all over the world.
i call them my............"ONLINE FAMILY"...........

A SPECIAL THANKYOU goes to my INTERNET SIS *~JACKIE ~* for nagging me into producing this site.LOL

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